19Eighty-Five is an exclusive All Ladies Graphics Forum on the NET! We also connect you to the hottest
forums around. We take graphics & v5 Theme requests in addition to our impressive ladies only discussions!
What are you waiting for?
UpdatesTinyPic Affiliates| APR 03 2020 If you have affiliate linked with 1985 and have been using TinyPic, Please submit a new link to your site with a new rehosted image to be added again. TinyPic seems to have removed a lot of links and as a result, their large default image that replaced the hosted ones, no longer worked or were removed.
PB Library + 1985 | APR 16 2014 I'm happy to announce that not only are celebrating 1 successful theme in the PB Theme Library, but soon 3! I exported 2 FULL themes into the PB Theme Library! They all Nat & Nyla themes, so go check 'em out! ;0)
Nat & Nyla™ Themes | APR 01 2014 Before I say anything else, I want to assure you that we're not doing April Fools Day pranks or jokes here! I thought about it and decided, there's not enough new people to do that, it would be pointless! However, I would like to say happy april fools day (do people even do that?? I mean, wouldn't that be the equivalent to saying "happy you're an idiot day!", hmmm...) and I want to let you know that I've started an exclusive collection of color themes called "The Nat & Nyla Collection", made just for all of the wonderful ladies only forums on ProBoards! I know how hard it was trying to get the boys over at PBS to help me when I had Miss open and now there's sooo many forums geared towards us ladies of all ages. So I want to be the one to extend my help for those of you who have forums specifically for that. All of the layouts made for Nat & Nyla will be added to the ProBoards Theme Library and here, so you have many places to download them.
One of the first themes I've created was this simple black and white one I called "Bourgeoisie". Why that name, Tiko? Well, its simple yet very elegant and I like the way it looked on the banner LOL! So that's that. Hope all is well with everyone. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
Lots O'Tuts | FEB 27 2014 First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've been so busy with work, my life and ovenFRESH that I may have forgotten a little about my little nook o'love! OK... So, if you're a guest to this board, I have to tell you that you're missing out big time by NOT joining. Why? Aye Porque we have so many tutorials that are AMAZEBALLS!! Yep, she said it, so go join ahorra!
Breast Cancer Theme | OCT 13 2013 As you may already know, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In showing our support to survivors and those who've lost their battle, we've added a new theme supporting the cause for a cure. Please update your profile settings to use the theme, that's only available during the month of October! Instagram & Tweet a pic of you using the theme to help the cause.
You're Invited | OCT 11 2013 I'm happy to invite you to 1985! Yes, we're all about the ladies, but you guys are welcome as well. In case you were wondering, we're all about graphic design, so if you love to make graphics or love to LEARN more about exercising your creative flow, look no further. Our tutorial index is flooded with things for you to learn across many platforms (Photoshop, PSP & Gimp). So Welcome, introduce yourself and kick back and enjoy the festivities!
Community Info
Name: 19Eighty-Five
Since: OCTOBER 2013
Theme: Sweet n' Sour (ft Kendall Jenner)
Browser: Mozilla Firefox
Layout Credit:ovenFRESH!
Admin: Toya/Kai [email]
Thank you for visiting us at 19Eighty-Five. You can visit our site credits HERE
The content of the site is copyright to its respective owners unless otherwise explicitly stated. 19Eighty-Five nor any of the authors/designers here, own any copyrights to any of the characters mentioned nor do they KNOW or are associated any of the non-fictional characters (people) mentioned on this site (unless otherwise stated).